Wednesday 19 March 2014

Irish schools discriminate against 'new Irish'

The NUIG Whitaker Institute study, which focused on Galway as the most culturally diverse area in the State, says this will result in a significant “under-representation” of children of migrants in third-level institutions.

The research found non-migrant children were twice as likely to sit higher level Leaving Certificate mathematics than Irish-born children of foreign-born parents.

Non-migrant children are also 2.25 times more likely to sit higher level Leaving Certificate science than Irish-born children of foreign-born parents.

The study by Dr Valerie Ledwith and DrKathy Reilly at NUIG’s school of geography and archaeology found 66.7 per cent of non-migrants planned to attend university, compared to 56.2 per cent of migrant peers. They attributed this trend to a “regime of power relations that privilege the position of Irish nationals” when it comes to school enrolment and attendance.


The research also shows that young migrants are less likely to take Junior Certificate subjects at higher level, which restricts the student to sitting that subject at ordinary level for the Leaving Certificate.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Irish republican Stephen Murney on the PSNI

He said in an interview with the Ancient Order of Hibernians here:
"Despite the claims to the contrary by members of both constitutional nationalist parties in the Six Counties and by the establishment parties in the Free State, very little substantial change has occurred in respect of policing in the North. 
The name of the police force may have changed, but let’s not forget that the PSNI is a fully armed force with access to the most modern weaponry. It still operates under a whole raft of very draconian and far-reaching so-called ‘anti-terror’ legislation.
While the titles of the police force and the legislation that force has access to may have changed over the years, there is little to differentiate between supposedly modern, reformed policing and that which took place under the RUC and the legislation available to that force in previous decades. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Ulster unionism weakens the Union

Former Sammy Wilson SpAd, Graham Craig said:

“I believe in the Union, I believe in a broader civic unionism and I believe that unionism needs to be more outward looking and be part of the wider UK conversation. An inward looking unionism is a great danger to the Union.”

Friday 14 March 2014

Alex Kane - "UUP to the right of TUV"

Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Northern Ireland moderate defined

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Irish ethnicism

Monday 10 March 2014

The non-voter - "Wealthy, slightly more likely to be Protestant and young-middle age"