On Thursday Basil has a quick fire interview over Twitter, known as a Twinterview, with IoD Northern Ireland (@IoDNI). Here's some of the stand out moments from the interview:
Another interesting question:
@IoDNI the biggest concerns are skills shortage, access to finance, high rates and debt overhang from property bubble
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013
@IoDNI skills shortage requires re shaping of education by Unis and FE. Parents must be convinced of viability of creative industries
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013
Another interesting question:
@IoDNI @niassembly failed to address the issue of business rates. Rents have fallen by 50% rates have not. Half of our high streets vacant
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013
@IoDNI @niassembly no joined up thinking between education DETI DCAL around growth industries
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013
@IoDNI @niassembly no political leadership to unite community and allay civic unrest.
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013
@IoDNI emphasis on capital allowances. Funding for Mentoring staff for firms taking on less skilled and out of work in addition to wage sup
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013
@IoDNI the protests were catastrophic for business, counterproductive for protesters and hugely destructive for Investment
— Basil McCrea (@basilmccrea) October 31, 2013