The two worlds of Northern Irelands, Ctd with Rick Wilford

The recent Radio 4 series, 'The Young Devolutionaries' featured a number of young people from the home nations including Northern Ireland. Rick Wilford of Queen's University Belfast made a number of encouraging contributions. In particular Rick Wilford noted how, compared to precious generations, the young people of Northern Ireland are in a far different place compared to their parents. He said:
"One of the things that struck me post-devolution is how much for positive and enthusiastic they are. There isn't a deep seated animosity towards "the other". I think there is a recognition that because they share so much in common, in the sense of social media and music and so on, that they have more in common that what divides them."
The reality is that Generation Y in Northern Ireland has largely got beyond the cold and uncompromising mental categories of the Troubles. This contrasts with a political class that is very much committed to serving the more extreme, intransigent and backward looking. The asymmetry between the young person, and the political forum is sharp and brutal.


  1. This is very encouraging - except that it is not true. Where are Generation Y at the polling booths? They are at best apathetic - which effectively the religious/political extremist party politics that the vast majority vote for. I'm sure there is a different perspective at QUB but that is not representative of society.

  2. I think that this post attached explains the apathy and indifference of young people. Delinquent politics is self-sustaining by the fact that it is the cause of apathy and indifference. Only by getting involved can we break this hideous feedback loop of sectarianism.

  3. Here:
