Newton Emerson - The Sinn Fein game is to let Unionism drive itself mad then pick up the pieces
Newton Emerson - Large number of unionist parties increases unionism's overall share
Survey of Fermanagh Orangemen
A first professional survey of Orangemen in Fermanagh found the following:
- Almost 50% of respondents believe the rule barring Orangemen from attending Mass should be changed. Just 25% believe it should stay.
(The Mass finding may be influenced by the overwhelmingly Church of Ireland make-up of Fermanagh Orangemen, with 77 per cent coming from an Anglican background.)
- 43% believe shared education should be encouraged, with 30% opposed
- 33% of Fermanagh Orangemen do not think the Order is doing enough to promote good relations.
- Only 44% believe the wider Protestant/unionist community understand them.
One member told researchers:
"No matter how we create good relations in Fermanagh we will always be let down by the hooligans in Belfast who tarnish our reputation."
The information-gathering exercise was run by consultancy firm Green Hat and partly funded by Fermanagh District Council. The survey was sent to all the county’s roughly 1,800 Orangemen. The survey was run with the aim of improving relations in the Fermanagh area. A large percentage – almost a third – responded, and the results were published as a 166-page report last night.